Customer Day 2022
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- Customer Day 2022
On May 26th 2022 a Customer Day was organized by Reinhausen (Thailand) Ltd. (RTH) at the Golden City Rayong Hotel. It was the first face to face event after two years of pandemic. More than 60 contacts of several industrial and private customers followed the invitation. It was a successful event getting back in personal contact with our valued customers. Apart from several presentations lectured by RTH and experts of Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH (MR) we are happy that a lot of discussions took place and we could deepen the business relations and generating new ones.
The event focused on “New service solutions for power transformers“
Apart from new developments of our core business of tap-changer services and repairs the subject of modernization and digitalization of existing power transformers were discussed deeply. Acorrdingly to our products and services we are bringing companies in the position getting the actual status of their assets at any place and at any time. By Adding intellegent sensors named MSENSE® by MR to their assets, we can create tailor-made solutions based on your needs. RTH can provide options for offline and online condition assessment based on TESSA® technology. A whole fleet can be remotely controlled and monitored by the Asset Performance Management system of TESSA® APM minimizing failure risks and having options for lifetime extension by using artifacitial intelligence. We are interested in long term business partner relations offering the option of long term product and service performance contracts. RTH is continously developing their range of services becoming a full service provider around the transformer and other assets in the field of energy. Getting in touch and finding individual workable solutions for your needs.
We are very honored to had an opportunity to organize this personal event for our valued customers and sincerely thanks to all those participated and invloved in the Customer Day in May 2022.